"How to Separate a Part Number into Three Columns"

Question : In the Parts catalog the items have a unique part numbers to identify the subject items from the catalog.  The unique number contains three segments namely Main assembly; sub assembly and item code.  All three are separated by a "-".  You have downloaded the parts number to a excel sheet from the ERP software. How do you separate the part number in to three columns and group it for further use.

Solutions :

Hint : We need to use the text column function given in the Data Ribbon (Excel 2007 above). In Excel 2003 the command can be called with the short cut key Alt D, E.

Step 1 :  Insert 3 columns next to parts number column. if you have data in the successive column.
Step 2 :  Select the parts number column
Step 3 :  Click on Text columns icon in the Data /Data tools ribbon the wizard will start run
Step 4 :  Select the Delimit option in the first step
Step 5 :  In the second screen select delimiter as "other" and mention "-" in the box to specify the special character.
Step 6 :  Click on the finish button.
Step 7 :  Excel may ask your permission to over write the content in the next columns.
Step 8 :  Click OK and find the results.

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