Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) - Pivot

This diagram is a pivot diagram showing the data from an audit.

SOX audit Pivot - Excel File - Down load

SOX audit Pivot - Excel file download

Diagram Flow

Create a excel file with following data headers

  • Control Number – Unique ID for the data table
  • Control Name – The unique name for each control
  • Component – The What the control does
  • Department – Department name
  • Business Unit – The name of the department
  • Risks
  • Risk Level – The level of risk, 1 to 5
  • Process Complexity – Complexity level, 1 to 5
  • Maturity Level – Maturity, 1 to 5

How to create a Pivot chart

Step 1 : Create data in an Excel file or Database
Step 2 : Use the data to create a PivotDiagram via the Insert Pivot Diagram menu
Step 3: Expand the Pivot Node to show various levels of sub-nodes that correspond to the data you want to analyze

A Pivot Diagram is a collection of shapes arranged in a tree structure that helps you to analyze and summarize data in a visual, easy-to-understand format. It starts out as a single shape, called a top node (the “Total” shape in the diagram), that contains information imported from the Excel worksheet. You can break the top node into a level of sub nodes to view your data in various ways.

The PivotDiagram enables users to create data linked dynamic drawings faster & easier than ever before

Data Graphics are made up of elements that give the user a more complete view of their system

Data Graphic - Pivot
•  Title – Text element
•  Control Number – Text element
•  Risk Level – Data bar
•  Maturity Level – Data bar
•  Risk Level(Avg) – Icon set
•  Maturity Level(Avg) – Icon set

Tips - Exact Formula copy or Value of Formula

This problem is how to copy the result of the formula as a value.

If you go to cell and Press Ctrl+Shift+",Excel copy the result from cell above as a value in cell current cell.                                      

How to copy the formula

Use the Ctrl+'quotation mark to make an exact copy of a formula.

Use the Ctrl+d to do copy paste the above cell value / formula in the current cell.

The above tips will be useful for fast data entry and processing.


5 2/17/1850 5/15/1960 2/17/2850 5/15/2960 40264 110
6 1/5/1880 6/14/1900 1/5/2880 6/14/2900 7465 20
7 11/13/1600 11/13/1900 11/13/2600 11/13/2900 109573 300
8 8/8/1760 9/10/1880 8/8/2760 9/10/2880 43863 120
9 10/11/1660 12/9/1980 10/11/2660 12/9/2980 116937 320
10 3/6/1670 6/6/1940 3/6/2670 6/6/2940 98708 270
11 7/5/1889 10/11/1990 7/5/2889 10/11/2990 36987 101
12 12/22/1740 4/23/1900 12/22/2740 4/23/2900 58196 159
13 7/20/1650 5/29/1950 7/20/2650 5/29/2950 109521 299
14 12/12/1888 10/28/1970 12/12/2888 10/28/2970 29904 81
If the cell contains a real date,you want to add,1000 years.An easy way to do this is to use the EDATE function and add 12,000 months to the date. =EDATE(a5,12000) returns a date that is 1000 years after a valid date in a5. note that tis function requires the analysis toolpack in versions prior to excel 2007. if you can ensure the analysis tooolpack is installed ,you can use "=date(year(a5)+1000,month(a5),day(a5))"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    if the cell does not contain a real date,you need to break the date apart,add 1000 years, put the date back together,and convert it to a real date:                                                                                                                                                                                       
*  To get the left portion of the date,use=left(a5,len(a5)-4)                                                                                                                            *   To get the year portion of the date,use=right(a5,4)                                                                                                                                   *   To add 1000 years to the date,use=right(a5,4)+1000                                                                                                                                         *   To put the month,day,year+1000 back together,use     =left(a5,len(a5)-4)&right(a5,4)+1000                                                          *   To convert that rasult back to a true date use =datevalue(left(a4,len(a4)-4)&right(a4,4)+1000)                                                         

You now need to selectively use either the EDATE or the DATEVALUE portion of the formula, depending on whether excel sees the date  in a5 as text.enter this if statement in cell c5:                                                                                        =if(istext(a5),datevalue(left(a5,len(a5)-4&right(a5,4)+1000),edate(a5,12000))                                                                                        copy it to cell c5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in cell e5 calculates the number of elapsed days with=d5-c5,                                                                                                                            in cell f5 calculate the number of years with=dateif(c5,d5,"y")                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        you can combine the formulas from c5,d5and e5 into a single mege formula:                                                                                                                                         =if(istext(b5),datevalue(left(b5,len(b5)-4)&right(b5,4)+1000),edate(b5,12000))-if(istext(a5),datevalue(left(a5,len(a5)-4)&right(a5,4)+1000),edate(a5,12000))

Database functions applications

There are powerful buildin function in excel which may by used with the databases for complex calcultions.  The commonly used database functions are DMAX; DAVERAGE & DSUM.

DSUM would be the used as dynamic formula where you want to get database values.  This functions gives the summation value of data which meets the critiria specified in the function.  The picture shows the sample application of the fuction.