How do excel update the summary sheet in a visit plan

One of my friend has a question; He had prepared a list of companies in a excel sheet to prepare a visit plan.
Now he had made a color coding Blue; Red and Green to represent Plan, not visited and visited respectively.  He want to prepare a report summary for the visit report.

My Solution is ;
Step 1:  Use find and replace commend - to find the color format and replace all with 'B' for blue color; 'R' for Red and G for Green.

Step 2:  Insert a summary sheet and use the color code and design as you need to present to you management

Step 3:  Use count if formula to count the value of 'B', 'R' and 'G'.

Step 4:  He continue the plan visual chart as it is and the summary will change dynamically as he updates the report.

How is it!!!!

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